
Friday, July 24, 2009


one more night shift on neuro/surg and next is oncology! i had two pretty good shifts since my preceptor was interesting and my patients were... interesting as well. my preceptor was this...huge british man who definitely had a british accent and it took me 15 minutes to start understanding what he was saying. i got used to him saying "pomp" = "pump", "me" = "my" and i counted that he said "bloody" 34 times during the 2 days i was with him. well i still have one more shift with him tonight so i guess my count's not over. he walks so fast and sweats........ and smells. ew. i try to make sure there's some distance between us haha. but he's been teaching me a lot and makes the shift interesting. as for patients.... i learned how to communicate with whiny, sensitive, bossy, attitude-y, drama queen teenage girls and i consoled a little 7 y.o. crying girl with a cherry popsicle. i had a pretty cute baby who had a hip dislocation so she came up to the unit after her hip surgery. the poor girl was in a hip spica cast which totally restricted any movement of her lower body and her legs were like in this spread position.... poor baby. i would constantly cry if i was her! anyways... one more 3R shift to go.

i made pierogies for lunch today and as i ate them with sour cream (LOW FAT) i realized it was quite plain so i looked up sauces and i'm going to try to make it next time! or i'm so going to add onions, garlic, mushrooms and peppers to it. mmm.. OH YEAH i've also discovered kimchi salad and i like it.

sigh. well it's kinda hard for me to blog because i can't pretend like everything's okay when it's not. all i can say is i'm learning to stay positive and keep my head up and move forward. when life gives you lemons, make an arnold palmer right? hahaha sigh.

i think i'm going to post a current thing after every post. today's will be.....lyrics!

current lyrics:
一定是彼此不夠成熟 在愛情裡分不了輕重
誠實得過了頭 不能退後也無法向前走
愛是一個自私的念頭 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感動 能記得多久