
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Survived my first two shifts!

so i had my first two official day shifts on friday and saturday and i can say that they went well. i was pretty tired during the shift... it's re-adjusting to waking up at 6am and being awake and active for 12 hours.... -______- i am so exhausted after my shifts that i just want to shower and go to SLEEP. clearly during the days when i have straight shifts in a row, i will not have a life.

it's a bit sad working at a children's hospital because you see all these poor kids with health conditions, problems and diseases and you just feel bad that they're going through so much pain at such a young age. after working with the adult and geriatric population for awhile, you kind of become insensitized and assume the fact that a lot of their health problems were brought upon themselves from lifestyle choices or what not. but when you work in pediatrics, you realize how many health issues are actually just congenital or even related to social determinants of health that aren't of choice by the children and families... i love seeing the little month-old babies and holding them! SOOOO CUTE. and then you have the 15 year olds with attitudes and just want you to leave them alone. just from the two days of working, it's very clear that there is a lot for me to learn.... not only clinical skills but also therapeutic communication and lots of basic principles of child and family centered care. >______< i should probably buy a pediatric textbook.

after work on saturday, kylie & i went out for dinner and some WINDOW shopping on Robson. the weather was SOOOOOOO FREAKING NICE, it was too bad that we were stuck at work all day :( but we made a deal to go out after work even if we were really tired. so we ate at Guu (japanese tapas restaurant) which was pretty yummylicious. i really liked the kimchi fried rice, jellyfish & shark fin salad and grilled pork belly. i can't wait to go back to try more stuff hehe.

well this week should be pretty sweet. i have workshops monday and tuesday and my first night shift on wednesday! then i have 5 days off - lots of time to catch up on reading, run errands, learn to actually cook SOMETHING other than instant noodles and explore! hopefully the weather will be on my side and i'll be able to do some outdoorsy things.

i picked up my lululemon pants today and i LOOOOOOOOVE them. i swear, it is an unwritten law to be required to own and wear lululemon if you are a resident of Van. after i picked them up, i went to Blenz Coffee (i like their strawberry tea latte!) to do some research, use wifi and people watch. i live pretty close to South Granville and i explored some of the shops around there. lots of cute shops and yummy looking restaurants. excited to try some of them in the future.

downloaded 范范 and 阿妹's new albums today~ hopefully i will enjoy them... but my song of the moment is still 紅豆- 方大同
