
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life is precious.

I just finished a set of 4 nights in which I only had 1 day off before that set and I had worked 3 nights before!! SO I basically almost worked 7 nights in a row. omg. So. Tired. I only have two days off before I do my next set but hopefully it won't be that bad. Because then I get to go home! YAY! But as tiring as my last set was, it was good because I met this amazing little girl.

Ok she's not that little, she's a pre-teen but anyways she was the sweetest girl ever. She asked me the cutest questions like she was trying to get to know me and it made me feel like I was a little 13 year old girl making a new friend. She told me about how she was super excited to go to the Diwali celebration party this weekend and talked to me about how much she loved dancing and which genres she preferred. Honestly, I was super busy at this time so I didn't really have time to talk to her but you know when you're in those moments when someone keeps talking to you and asking questions and seems to be really enjoying themselves and you're just like... yeah I don't really have time for this right now but you politely just go along with it and wait for that right moment to go yeeeeeahhhh so I have to go now... haha yeah it kinda felt like that. It wasn't like it wasn't enjoyable, I was just in a hurry to do other stuff too. Anyways, we finished our conversations and I was about to leave and she goes "WAIT! I just wanted to say that.. I think you're the best nurse. Don't tell anyone out there! And I DON'T say this to everyone, I promise!" I just thought how sweet she was and was a little happy inside. She asked me if I could be her nurse again tomorrow and I told her that's not up to me and that I didn't even know if I would be on this unit tomorrow so I really don't know. I said she could ask the day nurse tomorrow who is working the night and maybe she could ask for me if I was on cardiology again. Then she fell asleep for the rest of the night so I pretty much didn't really get to talk to her again. The next night, I came back for my shift and I was on cardiology again yay. I like consistency. Anyways during report when they got to me the charge nurse says "apparently she LOVES you and this is for you" and hands me a MVP nurse card from the patient!! It's soooo adorable. It says "she made me a heat pack in the middle of the night and warmed it up for me each time it got cold. she stayed with me the whole time I had pain in my arm and stayed there until I didn't have it to help me feel better." My heart literally melted! HOW CUTE. Anyways apparently if you get 5 of these cards you get a special pin! Yay!

Something special about this girl is her medical background. I won't and can't say too much but basically she's only 13 and she's already been on life support two times, had multiple heart transplants, basically had a heart attack at age 9 and has gone through SO MUCH in her life already. She typed up her medical story in plain words and has it laminated at her bedside so health care providers who don't know her can read it and understand her medical history more. When I read it, I had tears in my eyes. I know I sound so emotional -_-. But the last paragraph was something like "I want to thank my parents and all the doctors and nurses and surgeons that took care of me. From all this I learned that life is precious and it is a gift and I have something to be happy and thankful for every single day. I am going to make everyday count." I just thought it was SO MATURE for a 13 year old!! Sigh. <3 I learned something from her that night and I hope that whoever reads this learns something too.

And let's be real here. All that matters in life is that we have healthy children. :D