
Tuesday, January 12, 2010


haha i literally do not update this anymore :(

im sorry!! esp to my hardcore followers aka theresa siu. i will try to color your life with more of my updates so that you can be less bored at work and have more to make fun of me and terrie. ps. CONGRATS ON YOUR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! who's the stalker NOW?! hahah :)

happy 2010 everyone!

when i have more time, i might update this. miss you all. xo

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wedding pics!

I need a new camera. And I need to teach my mom how to take pics. And I am officially obsessed with weddings.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy November!

Hi! I hope everyone had a good Halloween last night. I don't know what it is with Vancouver + Halloween but apparently it = fireworks! Starting friday night, all you hear outside is fireworks going off... apparently it's the thing to do for Halloween? Interesting..... haha. Trauma and surgery was super busy Halloween day and night as kids are more prone to getting into accidents and I'm sure these couple days we'll have a lot of kids in with alcohol poisoning and what not -__- I love seeing the kids, their costumes and their Halloween spirit! It reminds me of when I was little and got so excited about things like this. And as I was coming home from work, I realized that I can still celebrate Halloween with the years to come. Like seriously, you are never to old to wear a costume! I'm sad that I didn't do anything this year... instead I was stuck at work during the day and was very lightheaded/ nauseated/ tired during the day and by the time I came home and showered... I felt so sick I passed out on my bed in my towel -____- haha. Seeing the crowds of people dressed up on Granville Street screaming and posing for pictures really made me sad though because I wanted to dress up sooo bad! Halloween can be REALLY fun if you AND your friends have awesome costumes ... I feel like its been soooo long since that. In college there was always midterms, clinical or papers and I always swore to myself that when I started working I wouldn't have those obligations so I wouldn't have an excuse but I kinda feel like I wasted my chance this year. I know if I was healthy and at home with Alice we would probably do something extravagant and fun hehe. Oh well... I'll indulge in the post-Halloween celebrations like buying all the sale candy and maybe picking up some sale items for NEXT year's Halloween hehehe.

My trip home was short and sweet. 5 days passes by way too fast. It was weird being home but it felt sooooooo comfortable. It was sunny and warm the whole time and it just reminded me of how much I love California. How did I ever leave this place? Everytime I come home I am reminded how LUCKY I am. Yes there are millions of amazing places on this earth but I have to say that California is in my top 10. My time was really rushed with the wedding, wisdom teeth pulling and errands but I still got to hang out with my family and good friends for a bit which made me happy.

The wedding was so romantic and beautiful. The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay is such an elegant and classy place to have that special day. The sun came out and the weather was pretty much perfect. Rehearsal the day before was sooo gloomy and overcast and cold we were all wondering what the actual wedding day weather would be like but it turned out great. I was really tired the whole day but it was so worth it. Seeing Michelle so happy and looking beautiful as EVER was one of the best things ever. I loved the bridesmaid dress and Ashley and Katie (the other two bridesmaids) were so fun to hang out with. The food was amazing... I loved the frozen lollipop station and the wedding cake (duh) sooooooooo gooood. Anyways now I am addicted to looking at wedding pictures, wedding dresses, rings, flowers, cake... EVERYTHING! It's horrible. People say I should find a guy first. Hahaha... it's ok... let me first pick what type of SHOES I want to wear....

I'll post pictures next! <3

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life is precious.

I just finished a set of 4 nights in which I only had 1 day off before that set and I had worked 3 nights before!! SO I basically almost worked 7 nights in a row. omg. So. Tired. I only have two days off before I do my next set but hopefully it won't be that bad. Because then I get to go home! YAY! But as tiring as my last set was, it was good because I met this amazing little girl.

Ok she's not that little, she's a pre-teen but anyways she was the sweetest girl ever. She asked me the cutest questions like she was trying to get to know me and it made me feel like I was a little 13 year old girl making a new friend. She told me about how she was super excited to go to the Diwali celebration party this weekend and talked to me about how much she loved dancing and which genres she preferred. Honestly, I was super busy at this time so I didn't really have time to talk to her but you know when you're in those moments when someone keeps talking to you and asking questions and seems to be really enjoying themselves and you're just like... yeah I don't really have time for this right now but you politely just go along with it and wait for that right moment to go yeeeeeahhhh so I have to go now... haha yeah it kinda felt like that. It wasn't like it wasn't enjoyable, I was just in a hurry to do other stuff too. Anyways, we finished our conversations and I was about to leave and she goes "WAIT! I just wanted to say that.. I think you're the best nurse. Don't tell anyone out there! And I DON'T say this to everyone, I promise!" I just thought how sweet she was and was a little happy inside. She asked me if I could be her nurse again tomorrow and I told her that's not up to me and that I didn't even know if I would be on this unit tomorrow so I really don't know. I said she could ask the day nurse tomorrow who is working the night and maybe she could ask for me if I was on cardiology again. Then she fell asleep for the rest of the night so I pretty much didn't really get to talk to her again. The next night, I came back for my shift and I was on cardiology again yay. I like consistency. Anyways during report when they got to me the charge nurse says "apparently she LOVES you and this is for you" and hands me a MVP nurse card from the patient!! It's soooo adorable. It says "she made me a heat pack in the middle of the night and warmed it up for me each time it got cold. she stayed with me the whole time I had pain in my arm and stayed there until I didn't have it to help me feel better." My heart literally melted! HOW CUTE. Anyways apparently if you get 5 of these cards you get a special pin! Yay!

Something special about this girl is her medical background. I won't and can't say too much but basically she's only 13 and she's already been on life support two times, had multiple heart transplants, basically had a heart attack at age 9 and has gone through SO MUCH in her life already. She typed up her medical story in plain words and has it laminated at her bedside so health care providers who don't know her can read it and understand her medical history more. When I read it, I had tears in my eyes. I know I sound so emotional -_-. But the last paragraph was something like "I want to thank my parents and all the doctors and nurses and surgeons that took care of me. From all this I learned that life is precious and it is a gift and I have something to be happy and thankful for every single day. I am going to make everyday count." I just thought it was SO MATURE for a 13 year old!! Sigh. <3 I learned something from her that night and I hope that whoever reads this learns something too.

And let's be real here. All that matters in life is that we have healthy children. :D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Thanksgiving = over. Fall weather = here. Happy late Canadian Thanksgiving! I have been in a food coma for 3 days straight from eating the food that I cooked as well and from tonight's feast at Ariel's place. I'm so blessed to have such amazing family friends in Vancouver...... =) I feel so so so so fat though. Ugh. I haven't worked out in FOREVER (unless you count work as a form of exercise.... which in a way it really can be) but I haven't been to yoga since the end of last month and I'm scared to go back because it's going to be PAINFUL. I think I'm going to cancel my monthly membership because it's too expensive and considering I'm gone half the month of October and haven't gone this month at all..... it's so not worth it at this point. Ok I really need to start making use of the gym at my apartment. Like, seriously.

So tonight I realized how happy I am for a friend who finally found *the one*. When she was telling me how it all started and how it all worked out, it just reminded that little part of me that true love is out there (as sappy as it sounds). Every girl deserves a guy who will go all out for her and do whatever it takes (within his limits) to make the relationship work. A guy that will drop everything for the girl he loves. I think the moment of her story that touched me the most was when I asked about the TIffany's necklace she was wearing. Apparently the dude brought her to Tiffany's in Taipei 101 saying that he needed to buy her something because he hadn't given her a gift since they first met. And he insisted on buying her something so badly and she had no choice because she was making him look bad at the store just standing there being like "no, it's okay!" (what a humble girl..... I would have been like....REALLY?! ok let's start at the diamonds collection...... lolol okok maybe not diamonds but yeah) WTF right?!??!! WHERE CAN I FIND A GUY LIKE THIS PLEASE? I am waiting for that guy that special orders that engagement ring from the original Tiffany & Co on Fifth Avenue. It happens in real life. I just hope it happens to me LOL. Sigh. Anyways and on the way home, her mom said something that really made me go siiiiiiigh. Her mom said that he always thinks of her first. Sigh. That is so important. We deserve a guy who thinks of how his actions/decisions affect us and think about how we would feel in every possible situation. <333

愛如潮水 is my entry title because this song is the epitome of the perfect man. Someone who doesn't care about anything except loving you and making you happy. I want my hubby to sing this song to me HAHA.

So yeah... that's what's on my mind for now. So here's a little message to the girls who read this: he is out there somewhere and if you haven't found him already, he will find you and you will know immediately. because he will take care of you and do anything and everything just to make you happy. end of story.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Well it's October 10th... and life will hopefully just continue to get better from this point on. I can focus more on ME, what I want to do in my free time and how I can continue to learn/improve at work. I can't believe how fast time flies... and it's fake Thanksgiving this weekend! YAY! Speaking of that, I went to Safeway today and picked up tons of groceries to make my Thanksgiving more festive. I wish Ivy was here to feast with me... but at least she's coming back to Vancouver soon. I bought a turkey breast, stuff to make scallop potatoes, STUFFING (buy1get1free YESSS!), corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. And I can't wait to make my PUMPKIN BROWNIES! I'll try to make my food pretty and post some pics maybe. I still need to send pictures to my mom of the food I make to make her proud HAHA. Maybe.

Anyways... kind of excited to go home at the end of the month! And excited for the months ahead... :)

Monday, September 28, 2009


So many of us have fallen in love with Fox's new show Glee and I'm not gonna lie.... as a past choir/ acapella group girl and as a girl who just loves singing, music and musicals.... this show is sooo freaking good. It takes me back to high school and think about what I wanted to make out of high school, what my passions were/are, what kind of person I was in high school and what kind of person I am now. Honestly when the lead girl sings... I get CHILLS. I am sooo like drawn into her emotions and her voice... hahahahaha yeah, I LOVE IT!!

I'm also loving Private Practice, Grey's and House more and more because now that I am working... I pay wayyyy more attention to the medical sides of these shows because I realized that I can actually learn some stuff! Aside from the fact that these shows are totally unrealistic and do not show the different roles in health care accurately... you can totally test and use your knowledge during those 45 minutes.

Okkkkkk I gg. bye.