
Tuesday, August 25, 2009


First thing's first! Soo if you've heard, I finally found a new place and i'll be moving on September 2nd!!! I'm super super excited the more I think about it because it meets all my requirements and even more!

- Own bathroom
- Queen size bed
- Balcony view of downtown Robson St
- PRIME LOCATION - 2 minutes from all the downtown shops including LV, Tiffany's, Aritzia, BCBG......... and everything else you could want basically
- Right across from a major bus stop where I can hop onto the 17Oak that takes me STRAIGHT to work =)
- 2 girl roomates who seem super nice!

- Expensive rent
- The bed kinda takes up the whole room so I'll have to go to Ikea to figure out how to fit a little desk for my laptop and printer
- No microwave or TV (ok I honestly don't get how these girls live without a microwave!! I guess they just heat things up by stove? Or never have leftovers?! Its ok, I'm willing to buy a microwave. TV won't be too big of a deal, I'm super used to watching stuff online after college but I'm spoiled now and have cable so it'll be a teeny adjustment)

That's pretty much it...haha :) YAY! I'm just super glad I don't have to worry or stress about it anymore.

Well, I finished my first independent set of shifts Thursday-Sunday and it went REALLY well. I got really lucky and was on the oncology unit for the whole set and never got called for a LOA (leave of absence). I don't get it.. why did they hire all of us if they don't have the hours?! Well now the hospital is on a hiring freeze and school is starting soon and we will probably get more busy because kids catch all sorts of things at school.... haha. I got to know my patients really well since I had basically the same ones a couple days in a row... I became really good friends with one girl, B. Little B is super cute but has quite the attitude. She was pretty mean to me the first day but definitely warmed up to me towards the end. I think we bonded one night when her mom couldn't stay so I kept her company in her room as much as I could. We watched Ni Hao Kai Lan and talked about ponies, kitties, bears and bunnies. Her mom also opened up to me a bit and even our small talk 5 minute conversation was eye opening. Sometimes I forget how much these children and families are going through. Especially in oncology. It's like.. this is not the ONLY thing going on in their life and it's already this huge stressor. It makes everything else seem so small and makes me so proud of these kids. They are so so so strong.

My other patient, S, was the CUTEST little girl I have EVER met. She had the brightest smile and cutest voice. She told me she was a strong princess (all these little girls are princesses... maybe that's why I love them so much HAHA). She called the IV machine "Mr.Beeps" and one time when I came in to check on the machine she goes, "I don't know why Mr.Beeps keeps beeping!" AND she likes Hello Kitty and when I showed her my keychain she thought it was so cool. She was going home the next day and kept telling me how excited she was to go home. I wanted to melt when she said "Do you know what I'm going to do tomorrow? I'm going to make a wish in a pond! And see the clouds in the sky! The sky is just so beautiful." I think that's when I wanted to pick her up and hug her. This little four year old girl with cancer can appreciate the clouds, sky and flowers and ... I don't even care half the time. Sighs. She also told me her big secret which is that she wants a unicorn costume for halloween. I LOVE KIDS!!!!! Sometimes I wish the parents weren't always there so I could play with them and talk to them lots without feeling awkward.....LOL.

Well, yesterday I spent the whole day in Richmond with the twins and I had soo much fun. We had lunch at Pearl Castle - really good Taiwanese place with yummy chicken and pmt, we walked around Aberdeen Mall (this really cool asian mall with DAISO <3), sang karaoke at their house and had a really delicious home cooked dinner! It was fun hanging out with their family... it made me miss mine. Sighs. I just miss my mom's home cooking teehee. OH! We went to visit the Olympic Oval in Richmond where speed skating and other events will be held for the 2010 Olympics... here's a pic!

I went back to BIkram today and..............died. I realized that this takes commitment because if you don't go for...5+ days the next time you return it feels like the first time you went in your life. Which is nauseating, dizzy and painful. Yup. So I really need to keep this up and go at least twice a week. But I found out that today was my 11th class of the month so that makes me pretty happy that I'm making use of my monthly membership.

I also need to seriously diet..... I'm getting fat and indulging in too much pmt. The wedding is in like 2 months.... OK I HAVE TO BE SERIOUS AND GET SKINNY :( I realized that one of my life goals is to be skinny and fashionable. Sighs.

Hahahahahaha I can feel people rolling their eyes. Ok end of post BYEeeeeeeeeeeeee <3.

Current Guy Fashion Advice:
I think all guys should invest in LV jeans. They're only $400!! That's like only $100 more than full price R&Rs! So if you are a dude and buy brand name jeans, why not spend a little more and look like the ultimate baller?!


c0ns said...

all i have to say is OMG at your current guy fashion advice. why not spend a little more and look like the ultimate baller?!?!?!?!?!!? aHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha.

i love this. you're funny. :)