
Monday, September 14, 2009


Well, summer is officially over and all the little kiddies have returned to school and I think for the most of us that are now graduated and are not going back to school... it's so bittersweet. As much as I couldn't wait to get out of Mac and move on to bigger and better things, when I actually kind of miss going back to school. This time of last year, I would have been going to my classes, catching up with all my friends about their summers and trying to enjoy the last of the warm weather. But this year, it's like I'm at the bottom rung of a new ladder. Living in a new place, making new friends, adjusting to work life, adjusting to REAL life of bills... bills... and bills... this is bittersweet as well haha. I miss my friends, sigh.

Other than that, my weekend was really no weekend at all as I spent the whole weekend in a course but it was good learning so I'm really glad I took it. The clock is ticking so I really gotta get my shit together! Booooo... and Wednesday is validation day where we do like a mini-osce type thing. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh kill me now.

Other than that, I don't have much to update on......


Current Song:
Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo